Social Media Strategy, Marketing and Management

An effective social strategy can help you grow your business, maintain your social presence and engage with the audience.

How Attri Social Media Agency Works

If you want to establish a successful business, you need to build your audience online. Developing a content marketing strategy is not enough.
It is essential to make sure that you have a social media strategy and that you are executing that strategy.

Attri Marketing will help you plan, implement, execute, analyze, report and measure your social media campaigns.

We’ve got enough experience to create award winning campaigns on Google AdWords, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.


One-On-One Relationships

When you are engaging with your audience, do not neglect the importance of one on one relationships. While posting content to your wider audience will be one of the most common tactics you use, it is also essential to make sure you do not forget the individual.

  • Gain information — Ask them questions. Find out what their pain points are. Find out what success means to them. Concentrating these types of questions on individuals is more effective than just tweeting them to your entire audience. That is because you are more likely to get a response from an individual if you reach out to them directly.
  • Provide a benefit — When you discover what your audience’s various pain points are, find a way to be helpful. Offer some content that will give them insight into solving their problem. Providing someone else’s material is fine as long as it’s relevant, but if possible, you should write the content you use to solve the customer’s problem.

Focus Like a Laser Beam

When you’re first starting your social media campaign, it’s not good to be a "jack of all trades." Narrow your focus to one or two different social media channels. Trying to become a recognized authority on all the social media platforms will get you nowhere.

It’s best to start with the platform you know your audience is already using. Wherever your customers are, there you must be as well. After you establish yourself on one platform, then you can move to the other. This approach will help you build a strong following gradually.

Measure Your Progress

When you are engaging with your audience, do not neglect the importance of one on one relationships. While posting content to your wider audience will be one of the most common tactics you use, it is also essential to make sure you do not forget the individual.
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Likes
  • Conversions
  • Click-through rates
We help you analyze your data will to see who is visiting your website so you can make sure you tailor your marketing to your target audience.

Become a Social Media Master

If you want to have a thriving business, you must embrace the appropriate social media platform that enables you to connect with your desired audience.



Engage Targeted Traffic

Targeted traffic is essential to a business, but it can be hard to get organically. Developing a social media audience lets you direct followers to your latest blog posts and site updates.

For most sites, new content won’t immediately get noticed. SEO, outreach, and paid advertising are essential but will involve time or money for results. The immediacy of social media means you can quickly drive targeted traffic, encouraging visitors to share your content on their feeds.

Provide Customer Service

Online consumers have come to expect a customer service experience that caters to their needs. It is no longer acceptable only to have an email address, with weak customer service operations reflecting poorly on a brand.

Social media users will contact your business for advice or suggestions, so it is essential to show you are listening.

Customer service is critical because it’s one of the factors that indicate if a company will be a long-term success.

Technical SEO

If you can build an authority site, your articles will often rank for essential industry terms. These rankings can drive consistent traffic to your site, with visitors often looking for the products and services you sell.

Effective social media marketing can help with SEO, providing quality backlinks over a consistent period. Followers will often find your content on social media, share it on their blogs, and give your site even more authority.

Develop Industry Relationships

It is not only customers who are active on social media, but influential industry figures will also be engaged.

Countless relationships are forged across social sites, with business owners, investors, journalists, bloggers, and more using the various platforms.

Being active and contributing to conversations can often be enough to begin relationships, potentially leading to some important partnerships.

Build Your Brand

Brands grow when a business can communicate its ideas, differentiate itself from the competition, and consistently raise awareness.

Social media is the perfect choice to achieve these goals as there are large audiences engaged with their particular interests.

A business can use social media to build a reputation as an authority and gain trust by providing consumers with quality content.




A business without a social media presence can look dated in the current era. Consumers expect to find brands on the major social sites, often using the profiles to gauge whether they can trust the business. The heaviest social media users will often find their favorite brands on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, only visiting the website later on.


It is now possible to make purchases directly from the social sites, so some consumers will not even visit your main website. Social media is not the only factor in the success of an online business, but it has quickly become something that you can no longer ignore.

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